Data Archiving and Access Requirements Working Group Orientation
From the DAARWG Terms of Reference:
“The Data Archiving and Access Requirements Working Group (DAARWG), in its role as a subcommittee of the NOAA Science Advisory Board (SAB), advises the SAB on the condition and capabilities of NOAA’s data archive and access activities and submits formal reports to the SAB that identify current issues, deficiencies, recommendations for remedial action, and proposed initiatives. DAARWG provides technical and scientific advice and broad direction regarding the wide range of data, information, and products that NOAA should archive and how NOAA can best provide access to this information. DAARWG’s focus is primarily on environmental data, defined as “recorded and derived observations and measurements of the physical, chemical, biological, geological, and geophysical properties and conditions of the oceans, atmosphere, space environment, sun, and solid earth, as well as correlative data, such as socioeconomic data, related documentation, and metadata. Media, including voice recordings and photographs, may be included.”
From the DAARWG Terms of Reference:
“DAARWG will:
Evaluate data archiving and access requirements and technical approaches from all of NOAA’s observing systems and computational models, as well as NOAA-funded extramural data.
Recognizing that, since the establishment of DAARWG in 2006, a large majority of NOAA data are now being archived at NCEI, encourage and assist in prioritizing observations and model outputs that NOAA should archive, including appropriate nonNOAA data from other federal or non-federal sources relevant to the NOAA mission.
Make recommendations with respect to data access for research, commercial, and public purposes consistent with mandates including NAO 212-15, EDMC Directives, and White House guidance such as the US Open Data Policy (OMB Memorandum M-13-13, 2013) and the OSTP Memorandum on Public Access to Research Results (2013).
Encourage and advise on implications and adoption of relevant new technologies, such as advanced analytics, or the widespread availability and advances in Cloud computing.
Consider emerging issues such as the archiving and accessibility of data-related products including numerical model codes, data processing algorithms, and metadata about physical specimens and biological samples.
Establish and dissolve subgroups, as appropriate, that address specific issues related to the topics above.
Report at a minimum of once per year to the NOAA Science Advisory Board regarding NOAA’s current capabilities and opportunities in data archive and data access.”
From the DAARWG Terms of Reference:
“DAARWG shall meet at least twice per year, with at least one meeting being held in person. Resources for DAARWG member travel and meeting logistics shall be provided by NESDIS.”
For more information on upcoming meetings, please contact the DAARWG Staff Support.
From the DAARWG Terms of Reference:
“The DAARWG shall be composed of outstanding scientists and leaders with a broad representation from the many science disciplines across NOAA and also have knowledge of data management principles. Working group members will be appointed for three-year terms with the opportunity for one additional term. The chair of the working group will provide suggestions of new candidates annually to the chair of the NOAAScience Advisory Board for consideration. Membership can be composed of representatives from non-NOAA Federal agencies, academia, the private sector, and international scientists and leaders.
DAARWG shall be composed of no less than eight and no more than thirteen members.”
A list of current DAARWG Members can be found here.
The following are links to key reports by the DAARWG.
- DAARWG Recommendations Concerning the NOAA Cloud Strategic Plan Actions (March 2021)
- DAARWG Recommendations Concerning the NOAA Data Strategy Implementation Plan (March 2021)
- Preparing for a Cloudy Future (December 2019)
- Archiving of the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) R Series Level 0 Data (August 2015)
All reports by the DAARWG can be found here.
DAARWG Google Drive (only accessible to DAARWG members)
DAARWG 101 Presentation (updated September 2022)
DAARWG Terms of Reference
Cynthia Decker
Executive Director, Science Advisory Board