Working Groups
The Science Advisory Board is called upon to provide advice to NOAA on a wide variety of topics important to the agency. Because of the breadth of subject matter that the group addresses, they frequently consult with additional experts on specific topics. In some cases, the technical nature of a topic requires them to convene a specific group of experts to study the subject for a period of time (typically 6-18 months) prior to providing written recommendations back to the Science Advisory Board (/ad hoc/ working groups and task forces). In some cases, certain topics are deemed to be of long-term interest for NOAA and the SAB establishes groups of experts with whom they consult on a regular basis (standing working groups). The final version of the SAB Subcommittee Concept of Operations is linked here dated July 2017. The details about existing and past working groups are also listed here. Reports from these groups may be found here or with the Reports.