Dr. Ruth Perry
Marine Scientist and Regulatory Policy Specialist
Dr. Ruth Perry joined Royal Dutch Shell as a Marine Scientist and Regulatory Policy Specialist in 2014. Ruth integrates marine science and ocean technology into regulatory policy advocacy and decision-making in the areas of marine sound, marine spatial planning, renewable offshore energies, ocean observing, and marine mammal and life science for Shell’s offshore energy projects in the Americas. Ruth is also responsible for Shell’s U.S. public-private science and data collaborations to improve energy industry and the communities’ knowledge of the offshore marine environment. In addition, she advises on environmental permitting strategy and is currently supporting Shell’s US offshore wind projects in this capacity. As part of these responsibilities, she works with other ocean users to create collaborative and cooperative partnerships to advance regional research and monitoring. One recent partnership is serving as a founding member of an independent organization dedicated to providing for and advancing regional research and monitoring of fisheries and offshore wind interactions in federal waters – the Responsible Offshore Science Alliance. Ruth has nearly 15 years of ocean technology research and system implementation, environmental permitting advising, and ocean policy and regulatory analysis and advocacy. She has a number of peer-reviewed, book chapter and media publications, including Popular Mechanics. She also serves as a member of many offshore national scientific steering committees and Boards, a few including the National Academy of Sciences Ocean Studies Board and recently the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Science Advisory Board, Integrated Ocean Observing Science Advisory Committee and Consortium of Ocean Leadership Board of Trustees. She earned a doctorate in Oceanography from Texas A&M University in 2013 and worked for Texas A&M University on developing their autonomous ocean observing programs and the Gulf of Mexico Ocean Observing System in building the Gulf’s autonomous program and increasing private industries’ involvement in ocean observations prior to joining Shell.