Climate Working Group Orientation
From the CWG Terms of Reference:
“The CWG, in its role as a sanctioned working group of the NOAA Science Advisory Board (SAB), advises the SAB on the condition and capabilities of NOAA’s climate activities, its predictive capabilities and supporting NOAA infrastructure of observing systems, data management systems and accessibility, high performance computing, ships, aircraft, and facilities. When appropriate, it submits formal reports to the SAB that identify current issues, recommendations, and proposed initiatives. Here the term climate is used in the broadest sense, to include variability and change from sub-seasonal to multi-decadal and longer time-scales, and regional as well as global phenomena.
The CWG will provide scientific advice and direction on NOAA’s climate portfolio to the SAB, in the context of national and international activities. The CWG will advise the SAB on the broad science and service components of the climate program, as well as on the underlying observations, data management and analysis and prediction issues. The CWG will advise on programmatic directions and recommend priorities on a continuing basis.”
From the CWG Terms of Reference:
“The CWG should:
1. Bring to the SAB a broad view of national and international climate research and various service activities, their implications for monitoring and understanding modeling requirements, and recommendations to help strengthen NOAA’s climate portfolio.
2. Advise on broad scientific programmatic guidelines for NOAA dealing with climate observations and understanding, forcing, predictability, impacts, projections, assessments, communication/education, informing decisions, and recognizing the information needs of public and private decision makers at national and regional scales.
3. Provide guidance on ways for NOAA to interact constructively with other agencies or organizations in promoting high quality climate observations, monitoring, modeling, and research as well as guidance on interacting with the broader climate services enterprise (private sector, NGOs etc.).
4. Recommend approaches to better relate ongoing NOAA climate activities, plans, and institutional arrangements to the goals of the U.S. Global Change Research Program, World Climate Research Program, Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and similar activities.
5. Advise the SAB on how to ensure high quality climate science, services, and the transition of new science into services, directly and through various ad hoc and other standing committees.
6. Provide advice to the SAB on the integrated activities needed to meet the goals of the climate program and the provision of effective services.”
From the CWG Terms of Reference:
“Under normal circumstances, the CWG will meet at least twice a year, once in person, with additional virtual meetings as needed.”
For more information on upcoming meetings, please contact the CWG Staff Support.
From the CWG Terms of Reference:
“The CWG shall be composed of no fewer than 10 and no more than 20 outstanding scientists and leaders with a expertise in matters related to issues of climate, weather and society. Working group members will be appointed for three-year terms with the opportunity for one additional term. The working group will provide suggestions of new candidates biannually to the NOAA Science Advisory Board for consideration.”
A current list of CWG members can be found here.
The following are links to key reports by the CWG.
- Review of the NOAA Climate and Fisheries Initiative Implementation Approach (August 2021)
- Review of the Coastal Inundation at Climate Timescales White Paper (August 2021)
- Final report on Advancing Earth System Prediction (March 2021)
- Final report on Precipitation Prediction Grand Challenge Strategic Plan Review (August 2020)
All reports by the CWG can be found here.
CWG Google Drive (accessible to CWG members only)
CWG 101 Presentation (updated January 2022)
CWG Terms of Reference
Cynthia Decker
Executive Director, Science Advisory Board
Kathy Longmire
CWG Secretariat